LEOE Specialty Show 2018
The Hungarian Leonberger Club (LEOE) organized its yearly Specialty Show on the 22nd of April where there were 54 leonbergers which is a record in the history of the Hungarian specialty shows. Our kennel was represented by 10 puppies - I am very grateful to their owners for coming! In addition we entered Dotti, who is the founder of our breeding, and one of Alex' son, Bruno also partecipated on the show, so we had many participants to keep our fingers crossed. :)
Minor puppy classes were judged by Hargitai Gábor (H). Among the males we had three participants: Aslan (Darwin), Bruno (Dallas) and Darko (Darth Vader), all three of them were great and got the best result: very promising classification!
Lions from Fairy Tale Darwin "Aslan": very promising 1. Owners: Szabolcs Márta and Szabolcs László
Lions from Fairy Tale Dallas "Bruno": very promising 2. Owner: Baksay Éva
The girls in minor puppy class - just like their brothers - all got very promising classification! :)
Lions from Fairy Tale Daisy "Daisy": very promising 1. Owners: Fülöpné Nemes Ildikó and Komendánt-Fülöp Adrienn
Lions from Fairy Tale Dolce Vita "Magdi": very promising 2. Owners: Zsolnai Júlia and dr. Vépi Attila
Lions from Fairy Tale Druida "Leia": very promising 3. Owner: Gellért-Beszedics Hajnalka
Junior, intermediate, champion and veteran classes were judged by Jorgen Hansen who arrived from Denmark and has been breeding leonbergers for more than 30 years.
Aslan was entered into hobby class. He got a great written report this year too and - as always - it was a pleasure to show him. :-)
The always happy leonberger, Balu participated in open class and got a nice written report. Owner: Paulné Zoltán Zsuzsa.
Alex' son, Luca-Guard Forever Bruno participated in open class and got excellent2 and Res. CAC title. Congratulations to Bruno's breeders, Kirják József and Kirják Emese, and his owner, Törökné Katona Regina! :)
Picúr got excellent1 and CAC title in intermediate class. Owners: Komendánt-Fülöp Adrienn and Komendánt Péter.
After a two years long break we entered Dotti into champion class for the last time as a few weeks later she will compete in veteran class. It was a perfect goodbye from the adult classes and nice end of the successful show years: Dotti was working perfectly, like a young dog in the ring, and even running (!) among her competitors who were 2, 4 and 6 years younger than her. She got excellent classification and won third place! I am extremely proud of her! Of course the most important for us is that she is completely healthy, happy and well-balanced, she really enjoyed the day with her children and grandchildren. To be continued in veteran class soon! :)