About Us


Our family feet's numbers are 40, that number icludes four people with two legs but the majority, they are all with four legs, two dogs and six cats. This rate has been following our family ever since. We have had many lovely small animals around us at our family house. We could tell you many stories about all of them, but I would mention only three, who were very close to me.

Bebi, a komondor (original Hungarian breed), came to us in the early 90-s. In that time I was reading many things about dogs. Then my parents helped me out and suggested me the komondor breed. It didn't take long to make me excited about it, shortly after I chose one from a breeder at Dunaföldvár. It is said about the komondor that he loves to be around people, and it was true. What I remember the most was Bebi's affection on me and on my family. She loved us all. We played together many times, usually it was football between her, my brother and me. One of my favourite memories when we took her to a pet beauty contest and she got the award of the public. It is sad, that the cancer took her from us when she was six years old. We will always remember her, for us she is the “number one”.

Sába, a german shepherd came to our life in the summer of 1998. At one of our neighbur's house small puppies were born, and one had been promised to my grandmother. The neighbour gave us the two-months-old dog to carry it to her new home. Actually what happened that the dog never reached my grandmother's house, she stayed with us for 11 years. She was an excellent watchdog, since the beginning, when she was only a little bit taller than the grass. There was always a bark or usually more, when someone, who was a stranger for her came close to us. The postman met her every day and those moments were definitely not the best ones of his days. For us she was simply the best dog in the world. We use to say that  she was often listening us from the patio, while we were in the house, so probably she got to know everything that was going around us. One day, in the house, we were looking for a knife, we just couldn't find it. Then we opened the door and we found it laying on the doormat. Sába was so protecting, even caring about our new-born cats. When they got out from their beds, she gently pushed them back with her nose. She had a legendary friendship with Merlin, our white-tie black cat, they were inseparable. Merlin was with her when Sába passed away. She lived outside but used to come inside during Christmas eve. When I was studying in Italy, I often talked with my family on Skype, I can't forget that Sába was always there too, and the way she looked at me.

The first time when we met a leonberger was a dog show at Székesfehérvár. In the coming months there was no show where we could miss to see and meet the leonberger breed. We all started to love them, they were big, beautiful, and wholehearted. Since then I have been saying when I will be a grown up, I am going to have one of them. In the past years I read many articles about the breed and all the information I gathered together with my personal experiences ended with a choice that I had been waiting for long. When Sába was gone at autumn, we decided to have a new member of the family at spring. And that small puppy was a leonberger. Dotti was born in Tatabánya in the kennel of  Diamant von Bergen on 22/05/2010. She was 5 weeks old when I chose her. I made an other visit when Dotti was 7 weeks old. On that sunny summer day from 8 puppies only one dog came running to us. She was Dotti. It seemed to us we didn't choose her, she did. Dotti joined our family on 21st of July 2010. She adopted very well, started to own everything what was outside and inside, including our hearts. She has been travelling with us ever since, she loves to see new places. Dotti also feels comfortable at my grandparents or at our flat in Budapest. The important for her that she is with us.

I would like to say thank you to Ildikó Vaderna and Bence József, who are Dotti's breeder, giving us this small bear. Especially thank you for their advices and their support. I would like to say thank you to the people of the section leonberger breed at CACIB Debrecen Dogshow 2010. They were kind and welcoming, making us to love the world of the dogshows.


02/07/2011 Adrienn Fülöp




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Rólunk 2.


Dotti érkezése 2010 júliusában megváltoztatta az életemet: a hobbijaim megmaradtak, de ő is mindennek a részese lett. Ő a kuktám, ha főzök, a nagyszüleimhez mindig együtt megyünk látogatóba, kirándulni pedig a kutyás barátainkkal járunk – és Dotti „alapember” lett a barátaimmal lassan 10 éve szokásos bográcsozásokon is. Sok mindent köszönhetek ennek a majdnem két évnek, a felejthetetlen élmények mellett nagyszerű emberek barátságát is, akiket a kutyázásnak köszönhetően ismerhettem meg.

A kezdetektől úgy terveztem, hogy Dotti nem lesz „egyke” leonbergi. A kiállításokon mindig kereste fajtatársai társaságát, a kirándulásokon önfeledten játszott a testvéreivel, így ez csak megerősített abban, hogy jó döntés lesz egy új leonbergi a családban. Két olyan leonbergi kennel van, amelynek a kutyái nekem különösen tetszenek, csodálatosak és gyönyörűek: a Namupalan kennel és a Dragongardens kennel. Így nagyon megörültem, amikor megláttam a hírt, hogy kiskutyák születését várják a Namupalan kennelben, és a kicsik anyukája Dragongardens Diwa at Xmas, apukája pedig Namupalan Icy N’Cream „Viljo” lesz. Sosem felejtem el azt a napot, mikor megkaptam az emailt a finn tenyésztőtől: a szürke szalagos Namupalan kiskutya tulajdonosa lehetek!

Namupalan Star Ruler „Alex” február 17-én született és nyolc és fél hetes korában érkezett hozzánk: tegnap hajnali 3-kor öt napos autóút után érkeztünk haza. Az első találkozásom Alexszel örökre emlékezetes marad: a kicsi, ahogy meglátott, odaszaladt hozzám és adott egy puszit. Alex okos, tanulékony, bátor és ragaszkodó, teljesen levett a lábamról.J Köszönöm Satu Korkeakallionak és lányának, Sofiának ezt az elbűvölő kiskutyát!

2012. április 20. Fülöp Adrienn